Braintree information open house scheduled for December 10

MANSFIELD, Ohio – Braintree Business Development Center, the area’s high-tech incubation and entrepreneurship program, is accepting applications from start-up businesses that would like to be part of a start-up cohort that will begin in January.Interested entrepreneurs are invited to attend an orientation session and open house at 3 p.m. Thursday, Dec, 10, at Braintree’s facility, 201 E. Fifth St. in downtown Mansfield.Braintree staff will explain the process and provide details about Braintree’s array of services including operating space, loans, grants, investment, mentoring, networking opportunities and talent attraction.Braintree is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and most of its services are offered free-of-charge.There is no cost to participate and the brief informational meeting will be followed by refreshments and the opportunity to meet some of Braintree’s current tenant companies and board members. Entrepreneurs already involved in a start-up technology company, or those considering it, are welcome to attend the orientation.Those interested may register directly at, or for questions, email [email protected] or call 419-525-1614419-525-1614.

Braintree information open house scheduled for December 10
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