Braintree open house set for December 10th

MANSFIELD – Braintree Business Development Center, the area’s high-tech incubation and entrepreneurship program, is accepting applications from start-up businesses that would like to be part of a start-up cohort that will begin in January. Interested entrepreneurs are invited to attend an orientation session and open house at 3 p.m. Dec. 10, at Braintree’s facility, 201 E. Fifth StreetBraintree staff will explain the process and provide details about Braintree’s services including operating space, loans, grants, investment, mentoring, networking opportunities and talent attraction. Braintree is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and most of its services are offered free-of-charge.There is no cost to participate and the brief informational meeting will be followed by refreshments.Register at, more information email [email protected] or call 419-525-1614419-525-1614.

Braintree open house set for December 10th
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