Incubator grad Oxyrase was at BioOhio Conference and Expo

Oxyrase, Inc. was excited to participate in the Ohio Bioscience Expo & Showcase held in Columbus, OH on July 27, 2016. This annual event is part of the [M]EDNEXT series. Presented by MAGNET, in partnership with BioOhio, [M]EDNEXT is a program designed to connect established manufacturing companies to critical biomedical knowledge and resources that will help them diversify their revenue streams by entering the growing medical manufacturing industry to create jobs and strengthen the local and state economy. The series is sponsored by JPMorgan Chase. Learn more about this series here.We enjoyed meeting and exploring opportunities with both established and start-up bioscience companies, suppliers, and innovators from Ohio. Many of these organizations are moving bioscience technologies and products from concept to market and benfiting the economy as they do. It was great to meet with Braintree Business Development Center and Figgs Liquid Innovations both from right here in our hometown of Mansfield.Please consider Oxyrase, Inc. and Nature's Antioxidant® as you develop your specific oxygen free projects.

Incubator grad Oxyrase was at BioOhio Conference and Expo
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