MoCoopinz brings instant marketing to business owners

Steve McKown could easily be considered a serial entrepreneur. Owner of Tan Pro West in Mansfield, McKown has expanded his business horizon by opening MoCoopinz, a full service company providing mobile marketing.MoCoopinz provides kiosks that are easy to use, noted McKown. A customer simply inputs their cell phone number. The system will then tell them how close they are to a customer reward, if that is something the business wishes to offer. McKown uses this system at his own business, Tan Pro West, and said it has definitely increased customer loyalty.“It’s like a punch card system, but it’s all electronic,” said McKown.“This enables the business to develop a database to market to. Then we can send text messages out to let people know about specials and different things we have going on,” he added.With MoCoopinz, he continued, it is simple to let your customers know if you have a special offer or event, or even if your business is closing due to inclement weather.“We don’t need a lot of lead time,” said McKown. “If we have to close early because of weather, what better way to let your customers know than to send them a text?”The system even has an “inactive” feature, he noted. “We can program it so if the customer hasn’t been in in so many days, it automatically sends a text that says, ‘We miss you. Come in and get ten percent off’ or whatever offer you want. It’s a way to drive more traffic to the business.”The MoCoopinz system will work for any business with repeat customers. With the ability to send appointment reminders, McKown said MoCoopinz is perfect for a doctor’s office or any similar facility. The software can even replace the pagers given to those waiting at restaurants. “It’s completely customizable to any business,” he added.According to McKown, mobile marketing has something other marketing doesn’t, “We have a 98 percent read rate.” Additionally, the system will work with any phone that will receive texts; no smart phone required.Not only is the advertising almost instant, but there is a possibility of a “viral effect,” added McKown. For example, a business may send out a text message coupon with a note that says, “Forward to friends.” This will expand a business’ customer base fairly quickly, he noted.MoCoopinz is full service, “Business owners are very busy. We want to make it as easy on the business owner as possible,” said McKown.Part of MoCoopinz service is analytic reports, which are provided both weekly and monthly. “The reports show how many people checked in, how many redeemed their rewards, and things like that,” said McKown. “It’s a great way for business owners to see what is happening with their advertising.”Mobile marketing, emphasized McKown, is not spam, “They have to opt in to do this. It’s strictly an opt-in basis, and they can opt out any time they want to; just text ‘stop’ and they can opt out.”“We do not spam at all. We don’t sell messages off to anybody. We don’t spam anybody,” continued McKown.In addition to “cardless loyalty” and text marketing, the company also offers Quick Response (QR) Codes and mobile websites. McKown stressed the importance of a true mobile website, so that customers can easily access data via mobile service.He added that MoCoopinz is part of the SMS Masterminds National Network with over 1.6 million subscribers and growing, with service available in over 100 markets around the country.To learn more about how MoCoopinz can affect your own business venture, contact Steve McKown at 419-564-9669 or by email at [email protected]

MoCoopinz brings instant marketing to business owners
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