Startup digFlat Media assists small businesses with online presence

Bryan Burton, the entrepreneur behind digFlat Media, wanted to offer an affordable online presence to area businesses when he launched on Jan. 1 this year.“Simply put,” said Burton, “we build websites. But beyond the websites, we are trying to help them establish a good presence online. Whether it be with the websites, their Google listings, Facebook, Twitter, all the necessities; we’re trying to offer them the complete package they need online.”Burton described himself as always having been a “computer nerd,” but said the real inspiration behind digFlat Media was the lack of small businesses with an online presence. “I was getting frustrated when I would look online for businesses in the area beyond the chain stores. I was getting frustrated because I couldn’t find information about certain people that I would like to do business with. My standing is, ‘If I can’t find you on the web, if I can’t do some prequalification work on your business, then I probably am not coming to you,’” he explained. “I needed to get something started to help people out with this.”Services offered by digFlat Media range from a single page website to an e-commerce package Burton noted.“I just want to help everyone out in the area,” he said. “Our area struggles with a lot of financial things. I think that I can make an impact just helping the small businesses be better recognized.”Mike’s Pizza Pub is an example of what Burton hopes to accomplish with many other local small businesses. “We’re doing a search engine optimization (SEO) campaign with them to get them noticed. Any time someone types ‘best pizza in Mansfield, Ohio,’ I want their name to come up on that first page,” he said.Burton noted that mobile optimization is equally important for a small business in today’s busy society. “All my sites are mobile optimized, unless a customer, for whatever reason, requests otherwise,” said Burton. “Every web page that I build is ready to work on an iPhone, is ready to work on a tablet or a computer – every device.”Burton moved into the Braintree Business Development Center in April and is currently taking part in the “cohort” classes. “It’s very good information, very informative. It’s helped a lot, actually,” he said.“I came to my first Caffeinated Ideas forum in March,” said Burton, who was impressed by the things that Braintree had to offer entrepreneurs.“They were kind enough to offer me a place in April, and it’s going well,” he added. “The staff down here, they’re all great.”When asked where he sees digFlat Media in five years, Burton said that he would like to have a staff. “Right now, I’m doing basically all of the work. I’m going out and talking to people. I’m developing the websites themselves and doing the optimization as well. I’d like to have at least one sales person in the near future and perhaps someone developing the search engine optimization features, the Facebook aspect, things beyond developing the website”“That’s where I’d like to be, making good money and working for myself. I don’t need to be a millionaire, but I would like to have a nice living doing this,” he added.Elizabeth Pryor, Burton’s fiancé, plans to join him in the business. The couple will be married in July. Pryor is currently assisting with one of Burton’s side ventures,, a site that features “Everything Ohio sports.”digFlat Media may be reached via their website, by calling 419-961-8771, or by emailing Burton at [email protected]

Startup digFlat Media assists small businesses with online presence
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